UBMS - University of Bath Management Society
UBMS stands for University of Bath Management Society
Here you will find, what does UBMS stand for in Non-Profit Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate University of Bath Management Society? University of Bath Management Society can be abbreviated as UBMS What does UBMS stand for? UBMS stands for University of Bath Management Society. What does University of Bath Management Society mean?University of Bath Management Society is an expansion of UBMS
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Alternative definitions of UBMS
- Upward Bound Math Science
- Upward Bound Math and Science
- United Broadcast and Media Solutions
- Upward Bound Math/Science
- Union of British Messianic Synagogues
View 6 other definitions of UBMS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- UKDS UK Deaf Sport
- UCDC Utah Certified Development Company
- UIS University of Internet Science
- USG United Scientific Group
- UBPL United Beauty Products Ltd
- USPL Urban Strategies Pty Ltd
- URAESR URA Executive Search and Recruitment
- USEPT USE Poultry Tech
- UPS United Plant Services
- UKSC UK Study Centre
- UBC United Building Company
- UTG Unlimited Travel Group
- UUL Untied Utilities Limited
- UJL Union Jackson Ltd
- UVC Utah Valley Counseling